Internship at Paton & Martin
Paton & Martin is proud to offer a 1 year paid internship to 3 candidates highly interested in pursuing equine veterinary medicine. This is a rotating internship alternating between ambulatory medicine and surgery/hospitalized cases every 2 weeks.
During your hospital rotation, you will be able to assist in surgery and learn how to monitor anesthesia and recover horses. You will be working with 2 certified surgeons, both of whom like to teach interested individuals. You will learn a great deal working with these highly qualified veterinarians as they are both extremely knowledgeable and always staying up to date with new techniques and research. You will be able to help in a wide variety of surgeries and learn how to manage difficult cases. You will also become familiar with how, when and what cases to refer. You will be able to perform multiple procedures such as rectal palpations, nasogastric intubation, abdominocentesis, joint injections, ultrasounds, taking radiographs, suturing, endoscopic/gastroscopic evaluations, catheter placements, subpalpebral lavage system placements and much more. You will also get to participate in some necropsies. Our hospital caseload is quite varied and will give you a great exposure to medical cases as well as surgical cases. In the spring and summer, interns will also get to work on a few sick foals. We have 2 of our past interns that are now diplomates after completing their respective residencies in anesthesia and surgery. Interns help with treatments on their patients during their 2 week hospital rotation. You will also get to work with our dynamic team of technicians who work well together. We have an evening technician position until 2:00 AM to help with treatments, evening admissions and emergencies etc. We have a local internal medicine specialist that comes on a regular basis for consultation on medical cases. She is a wealth of information and our interns love working with her. The right candidate will have the opportunity to admit emergencies on their own when they are ready while staying in communication with the surgeon (pending having a current valid veterinary license in British Columbia).
During your ambulatory rotation you will alternate between 4 experienced veterinarians with diverse backgrounds, experiences and interests. A majority of our clientele is English sport horses and the rest is split between recreational riding, western performance, miniatures, donkeys and geriatric medicine. You will be able to get familiar with suturing, joint injections, ultrasounding, taking radiographs, lameness evaluation and nerve blocking, all facets of general dentistry and preventive medicine, treating various emergencies such as chokes, colics, fevers, dermatitis, lymphangitis and much more. The right candidates will have the opportunity to do some on-call after hours emergencies on their own when they are ready for it (also pending having a current valid veterinary license in British Columbia). During your ambulatory rotation you will have your evenings off, one weekend off and one weekend on call for emergency anesthesia only. We are the official veterinarians for world class FEI show jumping events at Thunderbird Show Park. During those events there are over 2000 horses on the showground.
You will get to experience what it’s like to work at a big show and understand the FEI and national rules and requirements.
We have a double wide 3 bedroom mobile house on the property and accommodations and utilities are included for both our interns. We have a separate small apartment to house externs.
Also included : Competitive year based salary and year-end bonus, all licensing fees, liability insurance, $1500.00 towards CE, cell phone for personal and work use, local CE conference, licensing in BC if the candidate is eligible and the best weather in Canada hands down.
Applications are accepted throughout the year and considered right away.
To apply, send in a cover letter, your CV and two written references to admin@pmvetservices.com